Vince's blog

Angels for Canteen - 25th August 2013

Another amazing event is being held at Forum North in Whangarei on the 25th of August.

This is a community group that is raising funds for Canteen, a project that helps those between the ages of 13 and 24 who are diagnosed with Cancer.

It is not always fair to be put into a situation, where you are young and have to deal with such an issue.  Canteen is an amazing group of people New Zealand wide, and together we can help those in Whangarei and give them hope.

Media Release - Multi-pronged access to Northland - 1st August 2013

Multi-pronged approach to transport needed for Whangarei

With costly and unreliable flights, failing roading networks and the complete absence of an effective rail link, Northland faces a high possibility of being cut off from the rest of New Zealand unless something is done now to address this.

Vince Cocurullo Mayor for Whangarei 2013

Local businessman and community supporter Vince Cocurullo is standing for Mayor of Whangarei.  Why? Because he believes that positive change is needed.

“For too long the Whangarei Council has done the same things over and over and unsurprisingly, have got the same results; it is time to put the people of Whangarei First” says Vince.

Bernina Northland Fashion Awards 2013

The Awards will be hosted at the Forum North Exibition Centre on August 15th, by the Rotary Club of Whangarei South.

Due to the size of the venue, Forum North is limited to 450 seats.

Ticket sales are $50 Premium, $35 Adult, $15 Children.

Tickets can be purchased from Ticketek.
