Phone Vince on: 021 438 952
June 17 2015 - Northern Innovation and Excellence
Whangarei helps host one of the largest tech innovation events in Australasia on the weekend beginning Friday July 3.
The sponsors say a lot about how much Kiwi tech talent is valued – HP, Google, IAG, MIT, MBIE are all sponsoring the event. Our ultra beautiful city will lend its ultra fast broadband.
Here’s how GovHack works: over a weekend, competing teams take a piece of open access local government data, then convert that data into something the public can use.
It’s part of a constructive hacking movement that’s also spawned, where if you type in a search term such as ‘Whangarei’, you’ll find all sorts of useful official information which has been set free in our democratic environment.
Northland frequently punches above its weight, producing plenty of talent per capita.
We have our own Innovate Northland awards. The last winners included a technologically advanced effluent management system, a sustainable organic bee venom farm, revolutionary surfboards, soaps, vintage radiators, printed blinds, toys, fitness systems… Yup, this is a pretty impressive corner of the country.
Curious about GovHack? You’ll find your data sets at Search Whangarei and see what comes up. See you at GovHack WHG, perhaps? #HackItHere