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Cocurullo's provides a personal support service, and we talk in plain English

Need help with your computer or advice on a new one?

Let your staff get on with their jobs while we sort your computers

Home Users

So you’ve bought a new PC (that’s personal computer)… How about virus updates, windows updates, installing drivers for printers? Do you know how to set up emails and the internet?

Computers can be daunting if you’ve never used one before or had much to do with setting one up.

Why not call us in - we can deliver your new pc to your home, ensure all the latest windows updates and virus software are installed, setup your printers and scanners and get you online and setup with an email account.

We can also provide additional training to get you up to speed and if you’ve got problems we can come to your home to diagnose them, or drop your PC off at our Whāngārei office on your way to work and pick it up on the way home – problems solved.

Need a new PC – we can recommend and advise on a suitable upgrade for you. We’ll even help you copy documents from your old PC to your new one – transfer emails, addresses and get you up and running in no time.